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Rev Blanche G Woodward


Rev Blanche is a a native of Bermuda. She is the wife of Rev Dr C Carlton Woodward, Presiding Elder, Newark District, New Jersey Annual Conference. She currently serves as the Consultant of the District. They have married for 43 years and are the proud parents of Coley II.


Most recently, Rev Blanche served as an Associate Minister, Minister to the Women's Ministry and Advisor to the Mattie L Davis Missionary Society at St Stephen Community AME Church in Harlem NY. She led a weekly conference call and zoon "Morning Glory Sister's Sharing and Time for Prayer" every Saturday at 10 am on subjects that were designed to empower us to "Serve Christ in a More Excellent Way."


She served as President of the New York Conference Clergy Family from 2013-2017, and the Coordinator for the 1st District Clergy Family Prayer Ministry for several years. On July 21, 2022, Bishop Julius H McAllister, Sr appointed Rev Blanche the First Episcopal District President of the Clergy Family Organization.


Rev Blanche has served as Chairperson for the Family Life Committee for the New York Conference WMS, a presenter in retreats, and has been a workshop leader in the New York and New England conferences, as well as the 1st District level. She has received awards for dedicated service from the NAACP Niagara Falls Chapter and the New York Conference WMS. She has a BS in Accounting from St John University, and was employed for 27 years by AIG Insurance Company as a Senior Collection Specialist and Team Leader.


Most importantly, she has a BA - she is BORN AGAIN. Her favorite scripture is Galatians 2:20:


I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me."

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